The Slicery/Sine Wave
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Shadows Before The Light - poem by Bacon Slicer
Genie Awakened by Bacon Slicer
Writing of Wrongs by Bacon Slicer and The Blunderbuss

9 May

I've decided to keep the latest version of WoW on my site, so that there's not all the hassle of going all the way over the The Blunderbuss' site to find it.

"Mario Brothers are cool like sunglasses!"

2 March

Not much to update, except to say that The Blunderbuss is temporarily homepageless, so Writing of Wrongs may not be available. Go to, that should take you to wherever he's currently lurking.

"It's alright, I'm not a very good spy."

3 October
Added a link to Writing of Wrongs by myself and The Blunderbuss. It's an FF7 fanfic, comedy, satire, whatever. Make sure you read it if you've ever played FF7. Oh, it's stored on his (The Blunderbuss') site, so unless you're interested in what he's up to, make sure to use my sidebar, and don't "Return to the Index". *grin*
Crono is coooooool!

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